After more than two years of life, the HyFuelUp project stands in a perfect moment to take stock of the evolution, progress and results obtained by its consortium, and to see from which position the project is facing its second phase. To this end, the publishable report on the ‘Evolution, Advances and Results after two years of the project‘ was released. It is an online and fully interactive document in which each Work Package presents its main achievements in this period. It also presents some of the next steps in terms of dissemination.

As the publishable proves, the HyfuelUp consortium has shown that it is working to achieve the main objective of demonstrating a new way to produce biomethane. And it has done so by implementing a multidisciplinary strategy, applied from the feedstock supply chain, through technology development, to the final biomethane extraction. All to achieve real progress and maximise the impact on the renewable gas value chain.

While the first two years have been invested in research activities at a lower TRL than desired for the end and in engineering preparations to start the refurbishment and construction of the main demonstration site in Tondela (Portugal), all this background and progress has been used to pave the way for the next two years to meet the specific objectives of HyFuelUp.

The Work Packages that make up the core technical team have provided important technical expertise regarding methanisation and gasification in this first half. The Impact Assessment team also had the opportunity to analyse the sustainability implications of the HyFuelUp concept. All of them, are always accompanied and assisted by the Communication and Dissemination team, which has overseen all the advances and found the most appropriate channels and tools to communicate them to the different target audiences

There is still a very tight schedule ahead to implement throughout the second half of the project to successfully achieve all the desired outcomes. Successive ‘Evolution, Progress and Results’ reports will give a good account of this.

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